Truck parking VIDIN DANUBE LOGISTIC PARC is a truck stop in the Close to Vidin near Vidin along E79 motorway in Sofia-Timisoara proposing 300 truck parking spots and offering many services for trucks, drivers, security features, ..
The pictures of this parking will soon be available
Security services
Entry & exit barriers
Guards 24/7
Emergency contact
Cargo acceptance & booking
Running refrigerated trucks accepted
Truck services
Fuel station on site / nearby
Truck repair on site / nearby
Driver services
Hotel on site / nearby
Laundry on site / nearby
Restaurant on site
Address & coordinates
What are the address, phone number and GPS coordinates of VIDIN DANUBE LOGISTIC PARC in Close to Vidin next to Vidin Sofia-Timisoara along the motorway E79?
Your opinion counts
Do you have any questions about this parking? Any feedback about a stay in this truck parking?